Consulting On Starting
A Used Bookstore

Links to YouTube video of John Tilton, Bookseller, talking about the bookstore. Books Across America is the wholesale side of Lucky Dog Books and Paperbacks Plus in Dallas and Mesquite, Texas. We have been in the general used book business since 1973 and currently have two bricks and mortar locations although we have had as many as 4 at one time.

Besides offering our excess inventory for sale as starter inventory for newly opening second-hand bookstores, we also offer consulting for those who would like the benefit of our experience in this field.

We do not know everything and would not want you to think so. However, we have been through many ups and downs and had occasion to give a lot of thought to this type of enterprise.

If you would like take advantage of our lessons from "the school of hard knocks" rather than taking "the full course" yourself, we offer the following: Our hourly rate is $50 per hour by telephone or mail (snailmail or email). There is no minimum. You pay only for the actual time taken.

We will come to your locale for a daily rate of $300 plus expenses (coach airfare is fine if flying in required to get to you, as well as moderate accomodations and meals if overnight stay is required). There is no minimum here either except that it must be in whole days unless within one hour's driving distance of Dallas, Texas. A mileage rate of 50 cents per mile will be charged if we have to drive to your location.

You may pay by any major credit card, check or money order. With checks and money orders, this payment must be made in advance. However, any unused funds will be promptly returned to you per your request.

As mentioned above, we do not know everything. So if you should call with regard to a particular area of interest that we do not feel comfortable advising you on, you will not be charged for the time to tell you this. However, if in the course of a longer session, there should be a couple of questions of this nature to which we promptly respond with something resembling "I don't know", no adjustment will be made.

We want you to be satisfied just as we wish our own bookstore customers to be. So unless we have reason to suspect abuse, your satisfaction is guaranteed so long as you make any request for a refund within 10 days of the particular consulting session in question and let us know the reason for your dissatisfaction. We will not argue with you about it, but we need to know what the problem is if there is one. There can be no refund of any monies spent for our expenses should you have us visit you.

One last item should be mentioned as far as our approach to the operation of such a store. This is that we look at what we do in our stores as a service for the neighborhood within which we operate, and that our reason for being is not to extract every possible dollar from our customers. So our methods are often somewhat laid back.

We will tell you how we do things and why we do them that way, but in the end it will be up to you as to the kind of store you want to have and how you want to run it. Sometimes there will be more than one answer to your question, and you will have to choose which is best for you and your situation.

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Last updated October 19, 2023