Books Across America
Wholesale Used Books For The Trade

Book Boxes Now Available

This division of Lucky Dog Books and Paperbacks Plus sells used fiction and non-fiction books in either paperback or hardback at wholesale prices for starting new or maintaining existing used bookstores or libraries.

The following categories are usually available in mass market size paperbacks:

  • General Romance
  • Series Romance (Harlequin, Silhouette, etc.)
  • Mystery and Espionage
  • Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • General Fiction
  • Non-Fiction
Other categories may be available from time to time depending on supply and sometimes the size of the accompanying order. These are packed in boxes that each contain enough books to fill approximately 4 linear feet on shelf space.

Non-fiction books are also available in boxes that are a mixture of hardbacks and trade size paperbacks. Depending on supply, we can often fill orders for specific subjects, but at a higher price. These boxes each contain enough books to fill approximately 1.5 linear feet on a shelf.

Most of the fiction categories listed above are available as well in full-size hardback form either in boxes of mixed categories, or separated by genre at again a somewhat higher price. These boxes also each contain enough books to fill approximately 1.5 linear feet on a shelf.

Please feel free to email us for more information including pricing, or with your comments and suggestions, especially potential links to other book and music resources online; and to include our link in your Web pages.

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