Books At Home

Used Book Services And Prices Brought To You

Paperbacks Plus currently has two used bookstores in the Dallas, Texas area and has been in business for over 20 years. We sell used books (both hardbacks and paperbacks), CD's, cassettes, LP's and video tapes as well as comic books, magazines and even 8-track tapes, whether in print or not.

If you are in the Dallas area, we can provide to you in your home most of the services which we provide in our stores including: (1) bringing you a selection of whatever category of paperback novels you might enjoy reading, from which to choose; (2) the same low used book prices as in our stores; (3) taking trade-ins to reduce your reading costs even more; (4) buying your books when possible if you prefer; (5) and taking credit cards or personal checks, again just as in our shops.

Romances        Literature

Mysteries         Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Westerns         Horror & more

This is perfect for shut-ins, or those who have little time or inclination to get out & shop. Definitely beats having your spouse try to remember what you have read or try to guess what you'll like. Appointments are available from 9-9 almost every day and can also be in your office, retirement center, or other place of business for just you or a group.

Please phone 972-216-0541 and ask for John or email us at if you have any questions about this or anything else we do.

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Last Modified 8/4/98