A First Principle
The fact that I refer to this as "A" first principle does not mean that it is more important than some other principles that may be part of our endeavor. It does mean that it seems to me that the following is essential to getting to where we need to go.

I should also say that it needs to be stated at the very beginning because it does not seem possible to make the kind of changes that are necessary without effecting the current activities and situations of many individuals and thus costing us their support.

This principle is that should any change necessitated by this plan cause a potential disruption to an individual or family's economic situation, that individual or family will be given priority status that will involve the ability to pursue another field of endeavor of their choice (including whatever education may be needed) with no loss of income nor "personal property".

For instance if a change that is envisioned would be the end of certain kinds of sales work, those who are currently selling in these areas would continue to receive their same income, and be eligible to switch to another profession at this same income level (or better if the new profession paid higher) receiving any necessary education to make the transition. This principle would seem to be especially relevant to those of you who like myself might like to do away with the Internal Revenue Service or other supurflous taxing entities in the interest of efficiency, privacy, etc. Those working for these agencies will be extremely less resistant to such changes if they are not made scapegoats or whipping boys.

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Last updated 12/14/97