$5-Off Mini-Gift Certificate Bookmarks
One of the most flexible and inexpensive ways to help the bookstores right now is to buy and distribute these single use mini-gift certificates.
These can be purchased at either of our locations. Or you can purchase them here to be mailed to you or someone else by using the menu and button provided here.
Or you can order any number of these by clicking this Shopping Cart button and editing the quantity in the Cart.
We also want to encourage those of you who are able to make a monthly subscription through Paypal to buy one or more of these every month for a period of time.
If you should need to unsubscribe, please use this button:
Below are several suggested ways to use them, some of which are similar to those suggested for our regular Gift Certificates, but in smaller increments. Once again, if you think of other uses, please share them with us and we will pass them along here and on Facebook.
1) Use these to share the bookstores with others, maybe taking one with you in a book you are reading in case you run into another reader. Sort of a variation on "paying it forward", or as a "random act of kindness", but maybe more personal for doing it directly as a way of sharing something that you care about.
2) Use these as incentives/rewards for performance, accomplishments, and the like at work, at school, or at home if you have children who like to read.
3) Another use for these with your children, grandchildren or nieces and nephews, in conjunction with our new subscription program, is to sign up a child to receive one or more of these per month as an encouragement to read more by being able to come choose books themselves.
For the right child, this can be a creative alternative to another toy on a birthday or other occasion. And, if you want them to have enough to make this a weekly outing to the bookstore, for a $20 monthly subscription (less per week than many common purchases we could mention), we will throw in a 13th bookmark every 3 months so there are enough for each week.
4) Donate these to schools, churches, or reading/literacy programs to be used to help those who are less fortunate be able to have more books at home as an encouragement to their efforts.
5) They can be used in conjunctions with gifts or donations of store trade credit to make them go up to twice as far.
6) Or if you are an early shopper for Christmas, buy these now for use as stocking stuffers.
And as ever, these are honored at both our locations,
Lucky Dog Books in East Dallas and North Oak Cliff.
here to email us for more information.